Site Update, Other Plans

As of date, we’re transitioning the website to a new hosting, this means a new site structure, better features and a more solid service to everyone. For the time being our domain will be down until the new website is ready for release.

Sim-ple CBS Bundle

New CBS package bundle is out, you can now buy all the CBS games at once at 20% reduced price. This bundle will keep including the entire set of CBS games in the future.

The fate of “Amiss 13: the Curse”

With the release of both CBS titles, the game “Amiss 13: the Curse” which had to be cancelled for release due to technical issues and emergent developments in content material came to be the subject for a new title to be released. As and when CBS: Desolation’s next major patch comes to a conclusion, there will… Continue reading The fate of “Amiss 13: the Curse”